The new

We are currently working on bringing together all of Royal Danish Library's numerous websites.

Paper flyer with the text "Website"

Photo: iStock

Published 13 November 2019 | Revision 17 June 2024

In the near future, our website will undergo major changes that will affect your experience and use of Royal Danish Library’s website. We have updated our design, which will make it easier for you to find the numerous materials and services of the library. 

We are in the middle of a large conversion process, where the new will merge content and functions from the various websites, which at the moment represent Royal Danish Library. In the early stages of that process, we will mostly transfer content and functions of the old website, the previous, and Currently, none of Royal Danish Library’s existing sites will be shut down. You may think, that this is a bit messy and cluttered, but we will continue to give access to content, that has not been transferred yet, to disturb you as little as possible.

We are doing our best to bring together the numerous websites of Royal Danish Library, in order to make it easier and more inspiring to use and visit the national library of Denmark.

We hope you will welcome the new look and functions.

Your opinion is important to us and we would very much like to hear from you in the process. Questions and comments can be sent to us via Ask the library – we will try to include these in our ongoing work.