Royal Danish Library's business forum
The business forum gives you inspiration and room for reflection through networking and meetings with the world's leading experts in economics, politics, philosophy and management, among other things.
Royal Danish Library's business forum prioritises knowledge and education for managers. We present new perspectives from a selection of the world's leading experts in their field - at the intersection of economics, politics, philosophy and management.
We create a forum for new knowledge and new perspectives with room to grow. Here you can find inspiration, reflect and give yourself the opportunity to think a little bigger than what is often possible on a daily basis. The programme addresses the state of the world as well as philosophical and educational questions in relation to leading and developing in a broad sense.
The business forum also provides unique access to other experiences at The Black Diamond, exhibitions, concerts and author presentations, which can create value for employees and networks.
- Members are invited at least three times a year to learning and networking events with a selection of the world's leading experts.
- Member companies can request up to eight tickets per event.
- Exclusive events for members only with the opportunity to network and debate directly with the presenters after the performance.
- Member companies can book meeting facilities in The Black Diamond with a 15% discount.
- Special discounts at concerts and at the International Authors' Stage.
- Price DKK 25,000 excl. VAT per company annually (you subscribe to an annual membership).
Thought Leadership Stage:
Margrethe Vestager
Monday 7 October 2024 at 7.30 p.m. in the Queen's Hall, The Black Diamond, Copenhagen
Meet the Vice-President of the European Commission, Margrethe Vestager, for a conversation about our future with artificial intelligence.
Margrethe Vestager compares artificial intelligence to the industrial revolution and has called it an "extremely powerful technology". She predicts that the development of artificial intelligence will fundamentally change companies and the future labour market - if it has not already done so!
As senior deputy chairman of the EU Commission with responsibility for the digital area, Vestager is at the forefront of legislation to regulate the use of artificial intelligence.
International Samfundsscene:
Jeremy Rifkin (US)
Torsdag 21. november 2024 kl.: 19:30 i Dronningesalen, Den Sorte Diamant, København
Hvordan vender man det største mareridtsscenarie til at blive den største mulighed? Det har økonom og samfundsteoretiker Jeremy Rifkin et bud på. Han er en af dem, som kan give et kvalificeret svar på, hvordan klimakrise, AI, vandmangel, flygtningestrømme og biodiversitetskrise kan skabe en revolution mod det bedre – og hvordan den fremtid kan se ud. Det ved politiske ledere i USA og Europa såvel som i Kina, samt læsere af Rifkins mere end 20 bestsellers om de videnskabelige og teknologiske forandringers indvirkning på økonomien, erhvervslivet, samfundet og miljøet.
Ifølge Rifkin er de seneste 250 års industrielle æra slut nu, hvor vores forhold til kommunikation, energi, vand og mobilitet er blevet radikalt forandret på kort tid. I sin seneste bog, The Age of Resilience – Reimagining Existence on a Rewilding Earth, argumenterer Rifkin for, at vi nu går ind i en resilient revolution, og i sin kommende bog, Planet Aqua, fokuserer han sin tese på en af fremtidens helt store udfordringer: vand.
Når Rifkin ser mod fremtiden, ser den lys ud. For menneskeheden har gennem sin lange historie bevist, at den har alle de bedste forudsætninger for at vende et mareridtsscenarie til en revolution til det bedre. Til november viser han vejen fra scenen i Dronningesalen.
More about Royal Danish Library's business forum
Royal Danish Library's business forum is a business network; a leadership network and forum for management and knowledge. Here you have the opportunity to expand your horizons with contributions from some of the world's leading experts.
The network holds a minimum of three events annually. After the public appearance in the Queen's Hall, there will be an exclusive event for members, where there will be an opportunity to meet the presenters and get a copy of the latest book for inspiration.
Previous speakers include Nobel laureate in economics Joseph Stiglitz (US), German Minister of Economy and Climate Robert Habeck (DE), chairman of the UN climate panel IPCC Jim Skea, entrepreneur John Elkington (UK), former CEO of Unilever Paul Polman (NL), entrepreneur Petter Stordalen (NO) and more.