Catalogues of oriental manuscripts in Denmark
Royal Danish Library's oriental manuscripts are primarily described in the catalogue series on oriental manuscripts in Denmark (COMDC). Note that the catalogue also covers other institutions.

Photo: Det Kgl. Bibliotek
Codices Orientales Bibliothecæ Regiæ Havniensis, enumerati et descripti; Copenhagen 1846-1857 (online)
Pars 1, Codices Indici, NL Westergaard, 1846
Pars 2, Codices Hebraici et Arabici, 1851
Pars 3, Codices Persici, Turcici, Hindustanici variique alii, AF Mehren, 1857
Catalogue of Oriental manuscripts, xylographs etc. in Danish collections (COMDC); Copenhagen 1966-
Catalogue of Ceylonese manuscripts / Godakumbura, CE Copenhagen: Royal Danish Library, 1980
Catalogue of Cambodian and Burmese Pāli manuscripts / by CE Godakumbura; assisted by U. Tin Lwin; with contributions by Heinz Bechert and Heinz Braun. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Library, 1983
Catalogue des manuscrits en Pāli, Laotien et Siamois sourcent de la Thailande / par George Coedès. Copenhagen: Bibliothèque Royale, 1966
Catalogue of Mongol books, manuscripts and xylographs / by Walther Heissig assisted by Charles Bawden. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Library, 1971
COMDC 4 - Online (Parts 1-2)
Part 1: Batak manuscripts / by P. Voorhoeve ; with a contribution by Carl Schuster. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Library, 1975
Part 2: Part 2: Old Javanese charters; Javanese, Malay and Lampung manuscripts; Mads Lange's Balinese letters and official letters in Indonesian languages / by FH van Naerssen, Th. G.Th. Pigeaud and P. Voorhoeve. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Library, 1977
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العربية العربية في المكبرة الملكية .Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts: codices arabici additamenta & codices simonseniani arabici / Ali Abd Alhussein Alhaidary, Stig T. Rasmussen. Cph. : Royal Danish Library : Munksgaard, 1995. [Descriptions in Arabic, with summary in English.]
Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts: codices arabici Arthur Christenseniani / Irmeli Perho. Kbh.: Nias Press: Royal Danish Library, 2003
Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts: codices arabici et codices arabici additamenta / Irmeli Perho. 3 vols. Kbh. : Nias Press : Royal Danish Library, 2007
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Catalogue of Tibetan manuscripts and xylographs / by Hartmut Buescher and Tarab Tulku. 2 vols. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Library, 2000
Catalogue of Tibetan mandalas and other images / Anne Burchardi. Copenhagen: NIAS Press - Royal Danish Library, 2016
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Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts: Early acquisitions and the Nepal collection / Hartmut Buescher. Copenhagen: NIAS Press - Royal Danish Library, 2011
Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts: The Pandit Collection/ Hartmut Buescher. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2019.
Perho, Irmeli: Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts: Codices Persici Arthur Christenseniani, Codices Simonseniani Persici, Codices Persici Additamenta. 2 vols. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2014
Catalogue of Persian manuscripts: Codices Persici, Codices Eyseriani, Codex Persicus add. / Irmeli Perho. Copenhagen : NIAS : Royal Danish Library, 2017
Catalogue of Chinese manuscripts and rare books / Bent Lerbæk Pedersen. Copenhagen : NIAS Press - Royal Danish Library, 2014
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Catalogue of Japanese manuscripts and rare books / Merete Pedersen. Copenhagen : NIAS press - Royal Danish Library, 2014
COMDC 10.2
Catalogue of Korean manuscripts and rare books / Bent Lerbæk Pedersen. Copenhagen : NIAS press - Royal Danish Library, 2014.
COMDC 10.3
Catalogue of Yao manuscripts / Bent Lerbæk Pedersen. Copenhagen : NIAS Press - Royal Danish Library, 2016
Catalogue of Ethiopic manuscripts / Dennis Nosnitsin. Copenhagen : NIAS : Royal Danish Library, 2018