List of newspapers in the collection
We have registered information about the various newspapers to make it easier to get a brief overview of the collection and to navigate it.
The following lists indicate which newspapers and which annual bound volumes of each individual newspaper are present in our collection.
In addition, we also have overviews detailing which newspapers are available on microfilm, when the newspapers have been on strike, and which newspaper placards we have been able to collect.
You can download each individual list as a pdf (in Danish).
List of daily newspapers
List of daily newspapers and annual bound volumes of each daily newspaper in our collection.
List of local newspapers
The list indicates which local newspapers and which annual bound volumes of each local newspaper are present in our collection. Note - local newspaper by our definition.
List of newspapers on microfilm
List of daily and local newspapers - both Danish and foreign - available on microfilm in our collection.
Indexes record the contents of newspapers, meaning references to the specific articles in the newspapers. This is especially helpful if you are searching for old content and the newspaper is not available in Indexes usually come in the form of file cards, microfilm and/or printed books, and are often supplemented with a separate overview, making it possible to consult the index.
Ask at the service desk, located on the 1st floor, for the following indexes:
- Berlingske politiske- og avertissementstidende (Morning), 1864–1918
- Berlingske politiske- og avertissementstidende (Evening), 1892–1918
- Fædrelandet: Inventory of worker's rights in Denmark,1871–1882
- Politiken, 1884–1924
- Politikken's feature articles 1934-sept.1940 (from Hvem Hvad Hvor, vol. 1935-1941)
- Socialisten / Socialdemokraten (sociohistorical content only), 1871–1929
- Index of newspaper feature articles, 1940–1978
- Index of Danish articles, 1979–1992
- Index of Danish reviews, 1979–1990
- The Danish article base, containing indexes of newspaper feature articles and Danish articles 1945 et seq., and Index of Danish Reviews 1949 et seq., can be searched in