Climate accounting - baseline
Find out more about our climate accounting and baseline and how we use both in our efforts to improve the library's sustainability.

Photo: Laura Stamer
The climate accounts acts as a statement of the greenhouse gases that the library has emitted in the year in question, converted to CO2 equivalents. The climate account is a management tool that should help focus efforts, just as it creates certainty as to whether we are on the right track.
The accounts are based on the Green House Gas Protocol (GHG), which is a recognised method for preparing the statement divided into scope 1, 2 and 3.
The library has currently prepared one climate account that forms our baseline for the work – namely for 2019. Here, the library's total emissions were approximately 16,000 tonnes of CO2 -e., which corresponds to approximately 1,000 Danes' annual CO2 emissions.
Scope 1 contains the library's own cars for driving and operations as well as driving books and materials between our locations.
Scope 2 contains emissions in connection with electricity and heat consumption in our buildings.
Scope 3 is everything else. That is, emissions from the purchase of goods and services. The biggest emissions here are licenses for e-resources, consultancy services, construction and building maintenance, IT services and software, and (of course) stationery.