100 years ago Southern Jutland and Denmark were reunited. Learn more about what happened and take a look at our collections.
See our wonderful voting pamphlets, photographs and party programmes - and learn more! We are putting a spotlight on the Reunification.

Many of us probably all feel a strong need to be reunited with family and colleagues. 100 years ago, Southern Jutland and Denmark were reunited. Learn more.

Get a timeline of the events that led to the Reunification of Southern Jutland and Denmark in 1920.
School and the children

With the Reunification, the students in Southern Jutland suddenly lived in another country with a new king, a different language and a different mentality. They were Danish. Except those who were not.
Women's fight

We often call our language the mother tongue. In North Schleswig, mothers were crucial in keeping Danish culture alive. They became even more important during World War I.
Cultural rearmament

It was not gunpowder and bullets that won the battle for Southern Jutland. Instead, the weapons were pen and paper, road signs and burial mounds, dream visions and voter associations.