Aerial photo: the property Bonderupvej 69 in Ubberup near Ugerløse

Photo: Ophav ukendt

While you wait: Help us with aerial photos

Royal Danish Library has more than 400,000 aerial photos with unknown locations. Help us find out where they were taken.

In the collection "Danmark set fra luften," we have more than two million aerial photos and more than 400,000 of them with unknown locations. It will be a great help to us if you can recognise the areas on some of the photographs and place them correctly on our map.

Here you will find a guide to placing our aerial photos

You can also use "Danmark set fra luften" to look at the aerial photos we already placed on the map of Denmark. For instance, you can find your own house and see what it looked like in the 1930s or 1950s. Just use the map to zoom in on your address.

Take a closer look at Danmark set fra luften