New deputy director at the library

New deputy director to lead the digital transformation.

Cecile Christensen

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard

Published 01 March 2021 | Revision 03 November 2023

Royal Danish Library is in the middle of a restructuring of the library's digital resources in order to offer users better digital solutions in the future. To drive the process, the library is now bringing in Cecile Christensen, former department head in the City of Copenhagen, for a key position as Deputy Director for Digital Transformation.

Since 2016, Cecile Christensen has led digitalisation and innovation, communication and social media as well as IT operations and development in the City of Copenhagen's Culture and Leisure Administration. Here she has been responsible for designing and implementing the digitisation strategy for the culture and leisure area as well as for implementing the new web platform across the City of Copenhagen's seven main administrations.

Cecile is 48 years old and has a law degree (M.Sc. from the University of Copenhagen and LL.M from University College London).

Deputy Director of Digital Transformation, Cecile Christensen

Listen to Cecile talk about her thoughts on the coming projects