Book an appointment for your visit to Study Room Søborg
To use the study room and the collection material that you can only view there, you must book an appointment via the form on this page.

Photo: Thomas Søndergaard
Choose when you want to visit us, and remember to order the material you would like to see in the library system.
Book an appointment no later than 11 a.m. on the last weekday before the visit. If you are not a user yet, you must register here before booking an appointment.
Particularly for private archives
In the case of a request for access to private archives younger than 75 years containing analogue material, the following applies:
Royal Danish Library grants access to users on the condition that a purpose for access to the archive is stated and that a declaration of confidentiality is signed for the personal data they may encounter in the archives.
If the library deems it necessary, you will receive two forms as soon as possible to fill in and submit. If the request for archive access is accepted by Royal Danish Library, you will be notified that the material has been forwarded to you for use in the Study Room.
Read more about access to younger archives.