Photograph of a previous letter writing concert in the Old Reading Room

Photo: Malthe Folke Ivarsson

Letter writing concert

Come and join us for a letter writing concert in the Old Reading Room in Royal Danish Library! Turn off your phone, turn on the senses and indulge in the quiet, confidential space of letter writing.

There are not many spaces left in our everyday life that invite focus and contemplation; a place where you can collect your thoughts and get them down on paper. When darkness descends over Copenhagen, Royal Danish Library invites you to a letter writing concert, where we provide a warm, calm atmosphere under the glow of the green lamps in our beautiful, historic Old Reading Room. We invite some of the country's most talented musicians, who will create a beautiful live soundscape to surround your desk.

At this letter writing concert, with a glass of wine in one hand and pen in the other, you can capture the moment and share it with someone else to the music of the Taïga Ensemble. They will play music by Bach and Ravel, among other things.

When your thoughts have been settled onto paper, we will mail the letter for you.


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