Green lights in Royal Danish Library's old reading room in Copenhagen

Photo: Det Kgl. Bibliotek

Start of studies 2023 - welcome to all new students

Welcome to all new students at the University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University and Aarhus University.

The Royal Danish Library, in addition to being Denmark's national library, is also university library for the universities of Copenhagen, Aarhus and Roskilde. This means that we can help you in connection with your studies. We offer help with literature in connection with your studies, literature searches and access to digital resources such as Infomedia and Mediestream. In addition, we have reading rooms, group rooms and printers at our locations that you can use.

Below you can choose your university library and find more information about your particular university library.

We look forward to inviting you all inside. The Royal Danish Library and the university libraries are ready to help you in connection with your studies!

Find your university library

A greener library

At the Royal Danish Library, sustainability is a common thread in our overall strategy, which is why we, for instance, make an effort to sort our waste. In all our own buildings you can find pictograms on the bins which tells you how to sort your waste.

Did you know, for example, that your to-go coffee cup must go in residual waste, and that you can hand in your bottles for a deposit in the canteen on Victor Albecks Vej in Aarhus and the café in The Black Diamond in Copenhagen?