Carl Nielsen
(Himlen mørkner stor og stum)
Christmas Carol
(Heaven's gloom a world apart)
CNW 313
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009)
III/5, 249
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965.
Author: Mogens Falck
Carl Nielsen Edition (Editorial Texts)
Composition: 12 Nov. 1923.
Towards the end of 1923, Nielsen composed three Christmas carols (CNW 312, 313, 314 ), all of which were published just before Christmas. According to his diary, Nielsen composed the melody on 12 November 1923. He later re-used the melody with other texts (CNW 318 and 384 ).
Himlen mørkner stor og stum
Heaven's gloom a world apart
Last changed 2022-12-01 by MerMEId