Carl Nielsen

Guds Fred er mer end Englevagt

God's peace is more than angel guard

CNW 393
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009) III/6, 420
CNSCarl Nielsens Samling (The Carl Nielsen Collection, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen) 138

Author: N.F.S. Grundtvig

Carl Nielsen Edition (Editorial Texts)

Composition: Between 1914 and 1919.

The melody survives as a fragmentary sketch only. It was probably composed during the period 1914–19, when Nielsen was working on Salmer og aandelige Sange (CNW Coll. 10). Another melody using the same text was included in the collection (CNW 171). It has not been possible to determine which of the two settings is the earliest.

Instrumentation: voice

Guds Fred er mer end Englevagt

God's peace is more than angel guard


Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId