CNW Coll. 8 XML

Carl Nielsen

Bidrag til "Danske Korsange"

Contribution to 'Danish Choir Songs'

CNW Coll. 8
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009) III/6, 293, 294
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965. 54

Composition: 1913.

The two chorales from Part Two of the cantata were published in 1913 for mixed choir in the collection Danske Korsange. The initiative to print the pieces came from L.J. Hansen, the chairman of the Danish Teachers' Choirs (Danske Læreres Sangkor).

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Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId