Carl Nielsen

I Seraillets Have

(Rosen sænker sit Hoved tungt af Dug og Duft)

In Seraglio Garden

(Roses lower their heads, weighed down by fragrant dew)

CNW 339
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965. 12

Author: J.P. Jacobsen

Composition: Between c. 1886 and 1888.

A setting of J.P. Jacobsen's text I Seraillets Have for male choir is known to have existed but is now lost. It is listed in Dan Fog, Carl Nielsen. Kompositioner, as an arrangement of Nielsen's Op. 4.2 (CNW 117) preserved in manuscript in DK-Kk. However, it was most likely not an arrangement of the melody published in Op. 4 but a distinct composition dating from Nielsen's student years. It may have been composed around 1887 along with a couple of other male choir settings of texts by Jacobsen ( Det bødes der for i lange Aar, CNW 357; Til Asali, CNW 358).

Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId