Carl Nielsen
Katholsk Ungdomssang
(Velsignet være du, vor Herre, Gud)
Catholic Song of Youth
(Be blest forevermore, our Lord, our God)
CNW 294
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009)
III/5, 231
CNSCarl Nielsens Samling (The Carl Nielsen Collection, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen)
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965.
Author: Johannes Jørgensen
Carl Nielsen Edition (Editorial Texts)
Composition: 24 May 1913.
According to his diary, Nielsen composed the melody on 24 May 1913. It was published in June and performed in connection with the Catholic church's national congress in Roskilde. Nielsen later re-used the melody with another text ('Jeg fandt en Trøst', CNW 178).
Velsignet være du, vor Herre, Gud
Be blest forevermore, our Lord, our God
Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId