Carl Nielsen
Kantate ved Foreningen til unge Handelsmænds Uddannelses 50-Aars Jubilæum
Cantata for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Society for the Education of Young Merchants
CNW 114
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009)
CNSCarl Nielsens Samling (The Carl Nielsen Collection, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen)
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965.
Author: Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pedersen
Composition: 1930.
The cantata is Nielsen's last orchestral work. It was composed during September 1930, and the fair copy was end-dated 4 October. According to a letter, Nielsen was completely absorbed with working on the composition.
1. Det lyse Rav
The Bright Amber
Tempo moderato, ma energicoSkove, kun Skove
2. Det lange Togt
The Long Journey
Poco allegrettoEn Bølge fødte vort lyse Land
3. Fremad og hjemad
Forward and Homeward
Allegro vivaceHan fødtes af Hellas
4. Skolen
Poco andantinoDit Nu er kort, din Dag har hast
5. Ungdommen
Quasi tempo di marciaHver Tid værner om sit Eje
Score, draft
Score, autograph, fair copy
Score, manuscript copy
Instrumental parts, manuscript copy
Vocal part (Bar. solo), manuscript copy
Choral parts, printer's manuscript
Script, typewritten
Text, print
3 Nov. 1930 | The Stock Exchange (Børsen), Copenhagen (Palestrina-Koret; conductor: Mogens Wöldike; performers: Holger Byrding, baritono; Thorkild Roose, reciter). First performance. Reviews: Nationaltidende, 4 Nov. 1930 (August Felsing). Berlingske Tidende, 4 Nov. 1930 (William Behrend). |
23 Feb. 1931 | Danish Concert Society (Dansk Koncertforening), Odd Fellow Palæet, Copenhagen (Palestrina-Koret; conductor: Mogens Wöldike; performers: Holger Byrding, singer; Thorkild Roose, reciter). Review: Berlingske Tidende, 24 Feb. 1931 (Kai Flor). |
Diary entries:
Morten Gudmund Hansen: 'Carl Nielsens FUHU-Kantate'. Kommers, 1, 1988, p. 12.
Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId