Carl Nielsen
Musik til Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pedersens "Hyldest til Holberg"
Music for Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pedersen's 'Homage to Holberg'
CNW 20
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009)
CNSCarl Nielsens Samling (The Carl Nielsen Collection, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen)
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965.
Author: Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pedersen
Composition: 1922.
In 1922, The Royal Theatre was celebrating the playwright Ludvig Holberg. As a tribute to Holberg, the theatre had commissioned Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pedersen to write an epilogue. The conductor at the theatre, Georg Høeberg, urged Nielsen to compose the music for this homage to Holberg. Nielsen must have started working on the project immediately; less than three weeks later he had finished it.
First Muse; Second Muse; Third Muse; Fourth Muse
Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId