Carl Nielsen
Byd mig at leve
Bid me to live
CNW 355
CNUCarl Nielsen Udgaven (The Carl Nielsen Edition. Royal Danish Library: Copenhagen 1998–2009)
III/6, 315
CNSCarl Nielsens Samling (The Carl Nielsen Collection, Royal Danish Library, Copenhagen)
FSDan Fog & Torben Schousboe: Carl Nielsen kompositioner. En Bibliografi. København 1965.
Author: Robert Herrick
Translator: Caralis [Christian Preetzmann]
Carl Nielsen Edition (Editorial Texts)
Composition: Between c. 1886 and 1888.
Like a number of other works (CNW 276, 277, 278, 279, 356, 357, 358), the present composition for male choir dates from Nielsen's student years and may have been written at the suggestion of his theory teacher, Orla Rosenhoff.
Byd mig at leve
Bid me to live
Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId