SchW A1:001 XML

Johann Adolph Scheibe

Concerto a flauto traverso, violino 1mo, violino 2do, viola & basso

SchW A1:001

Werner Hans Rudolph Rosenkrantz Giedde (1756–1816), who was an able amateur flute player, began his employment at the court in 1768 as a page to Queen Dowager Juliane Marie, later advancing to Crown Prince Frederik’s page of the chamber in 1775. The majority of Giedde’s Collection consists of flute music which he must have started to gather in the 1770s. Thus Scheibe’s flute concertos (SchW A1:001, A1:002) were most likely acquired directly from the composer or perhaps from Breitkopf in Leipzig. The transcripts of both concertos were carried out by the same professional copyist, whose handwriting according to Bittman (1976) is not seen in other manuscript material in The Royal Library. Also the paper type of both concertos is the same and may tentatively be dated to around the second half of the eighteenth century. The flute concertos might have been composed during Scheibe's early years.

Key: D major

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Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId