HartW 11 XML

J.P.E. Hartmann

Musik til Adam Oehlenschlägers tragedie "Olaf den Hellige"

Music for Adam Oehlenschläger's Tragedy "Saint Olaf"

Opus 23
HartW 11
DF 193

Author: Adam Oehlenschläger
Choreographer: August Bournonville

Composition: 1838.

Oehlenschläger's drama was meant as a side piece to his masterpiece "Hakon Jarl hin Rige" (1807), but in the 1830's he had passed his zenith. It did receive ten performances, though it was not due to the audience wanting to see Oehlenschläger's play; rather they flocked to hear Hartmann's magnificent musical depiction of "Slaget ved Stiklestad" (The battle of Stiklestad) with choreography by August Bournonville. It lasted eight minutes. Later Hartmann reused it in "Valkyrien" (HartW 7), and at the Royal Theatre it was played as entr'acte music in "Hakon Jarl".

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Last changed 2022-12-02 by MerMEId