HartW 395 XML

J.P.E. Hartmann

Birkedals Sølvbryllup

(Sølv-Bryllups-Sangen istemme vi)

Birkedal's Silver Wedding

HartW 395
DF 159 and 166

Authors: unknown; N.F.S. Grundtvig

Composition: 1862.

The song was written for the silver wedding of the reverend Vilhelm Birkedal on 4 April 1862. During the Second Schleswig War in 1864 the melody became very polular with Grundtvig's poem "Hil dig, vor Fane". Hartmann was not aware of that until 1868.

Instrumentation: voice, pf.pianoforte (piano)

Sølvbryllups-Sangen istemme vi

Hil dig, vor Fane! Korsbanner hvidt!

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