Šayx Mohammad Hasan al-Hosaynī: Ketāb-e mas'alat bā havāsī





Šayx Mohammad Hasan al-Hosaynī: Ketāb-e mas'alat bā havāsī

Shi'ite theological text. Lithographic print, before 1338 H [1920 CE].

55 questions and answers about theological subjects of a common and popular character. The author is not a well known theologian, but the publisher has written on the title page that the contents of the book was approved by two well-known moğtaheds Mīrzā Mohammad Taqī Šīrāzī (d. 1338 H [1920 CE] and Sayyed Mosayn Qom (d. ?).

Cod. pers. AC 64