GKS 845 2°: Liber daticus ecclesie et capituli Lundensis





GKS 845 2°: Liber daticus ecclesie et capituli Lundensis

Parchment, 58 ff., ca. 32 x 21,5 cm; ca. 1293-1355

MS GKS 845 2° is the younger of two extant libri datici from mediaeval Lund. Its first editor, J. Langebek, named it recentior, to distinguish it from Mh 7 in Lund University Library, which he named liber daticus vetustior. Whereas the latter was originally a Martyrology, GKS 845 2° was designed as a liber daticus

Most of the notices in GKS 845 2° were transferred from Mh 7. At least one major notice may have been entered into both books by the same hand. There are not as many records of donations in GKS 845 2° as in Mh 7, which in addition includes notices of a younger date than those in GKS 845 2°. A copy of a document concerning the administration of the liber daticus issued in 1293 by archbishop Johannes Grand is found only in GKS 845 2°

C. Weeke, the most recent editor of the two sources, argued that the contents of GKS 845 2° had been basically copied in two turns by two scribes, one active in 1267/68, and the second scribe in 1344. He was not able to explain why and for what purposes the codex was made. In search for an explanation it has been suggested that GKS 845 2° reflects the instructions of archbishop Johannes Grand of 1293, that notices were entered into the manuscript from around or briefly after 1293 until ca. 1355, and that the book was designed as a tool for the community of cannons in Lund

Bibl.: J. Langebek (ed.), Scriptores rerum Danicarum medii aevi, tomus IV, København 1776, p. 26-68. – C. Weeke (ed.), Libri memoriales capituli Lundensis. Lunde Domkapitels Gavebøger ("Libri datici Lundenses"), København 1884-1889. - Ellen Jørgensen, Catalogus codicum latinorum medii ævi Bibliothecæ Regiæ Hafniensis, København 1926, p. 243. – Per Ekström, Libri antiqviores ecclesiæ et capituli Lundensis. Lunds domkyrkas äldsta liturgiska böcker, Lund 1985, p. 46-47. – Erik Petersen, Wulfstans kodex og Schumachers liste. Om den ældste fortegnelse over håndskrifter i Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Fund og Forskning, 48, København 2009, p. 37f., 52 (nr. 29) & 55. – Erik Petersen, Liber daticus ecclesie et capituli Lundensis. Om den lundensiske gavebog GKS 845 2° i København, in: Mellan evighet och vardag. Lunds domkyrkas martyrologium Liber daticus vetusior, ed. Eva Nilsson Nylander, Lund 2015, p. 151-166

Erik Petersen