Mavlānā Ğalāl al-Dīn Mohammad Balxī, Rūmī (d. 672 H [1273 CE]: Masnavī ma'navī, 7th book (daftar)





Mavlānā Ğalāl al-Dīn Mohammad Balxī, Rūmī (d. 672 H [1273 CE]: Masnavī ma'navī, 7th book (daftar)

The Masnavī of Rūmī normally contains 6 books (daftar) but at an unknown date an anonymous author has added a 7th book which is this manuscript.

The manuscript is written in a minute Nasta'līq script with black and red ink om very thin and blue paper by Mohammad Bāqer Nāğī ibn Ibrāhīm Gazvīnī, 1275 H. [1858 CE]

Green leather binding with a painting of riders with falcons framed by verses written in Ta'līq script all in gold (now blackened and hardly visible).

Cod. Pers. AC 135