Rostg. 160 2° 3: Plinius, Historia Naturalis





Rostg. 160 2° 3: Plinius, Historia Naturalis

[alias Fragm. 5078]

Parchment, 1 leaf, c. 49 × 35 cm; saec. XII, northern France

Content: C. Plinius Secundus, Historia Naturalis, XIX.i.4-viii.28 ("afferat[ur] et citeriorem ... fascibus in acer")

There are occasional textual annotations in a late Renaissance hand

The fragment belonged to Frederik Rostgaard (1671-1745) who in his will had bequeathed the manuscripts still in his possession to the University Library of Copenhagen. The entire manuscript collection of the University Library was transferred to the Royal Library in 1938

Bibl.: J. Desanges in: Latomus. Revue d’études latines, XXV, 1966, p. 524. - Birger Munk Olsen, L'Étude des auteurs classiques latins aux XIe et XIIe siècles, 2, Paris 1985, p. 254

Erik Petersen