Fragm. 3184-3185: Terentius, Comoediae





Fragm. 3184-3185: Terentius, Comoediae

[olim kps. 21]

Parchment, 2 pieces of 1 leaf, c. 14,5+14,5 × 20,5 cm; saec. XI

Publius Terentius Afer, end of Eunuchus & beginning of Heautontimorumenos

One line of both sides in the middle of the original leaf has been severely damaged and is almost illegible. The text is distributed as follows:

3184 recto: Eunuchus 1044-1062: "opinor. CH. Quid commemorem ... cur te ergo in his"

3185 recto: Eunuchus 1063-1080: "/// fretus /// | Miles. edico tibi ... metuas. ne amet"

3184 verso: Eunuchus 1080-1094: "mulier. facile pellas ... EVNVCHUS EXPLICIT. INCIPIT HEAVTONTIMORVMENOS ... DVABVS DEXTRIS"

3185 verso: Heantontimorumenos, Didascalia-Prologus 1-7: "/// PRIMA /// | M. IVLIO ... facta est simplici. Novam"

Occasional glosses have been added in the margins and between the lines

The 2 pieces have been used in the binding of an unidentified book

Bibl.: Birger Munk Olsen, L'Étude des auteurs classiques latins aux XIe et XIIe siècles, 2, Paris 1985, p. 612

Erik Petersen