'Umārah [ibn 'Alī ibn Zaydān] al-Hakamī al-Yamanī (d. 569 H [1174 CE]: Dīwān ši'r ['Umārah al-Yamanī ]





'Umārah [ibn 'Alī ibn Zaydān] al-Hakamī al-Yamanī (d. 569 H [1174 CE]: Dīwān ši'r ['Umārah al-Yamanī ]

Collection of poetry by the Yemeni author 'Umārah al-Yamanī. He became the court poet of the last Fatimids in Cairo.

A rare manuscript acquired by F. C. von Haven (d. 1763 CE) in Cairo in 1763. von Haven was a member of the Carsten Niebuhr expedition (1761-1767).

Cod. Arab. 266