Rostg. 160 2° 11: Origenes, Homiliae in Evangelium Lucae





Rostg. 160 2° 11: Origenes, Homiliae in Evangelium Lucae

[alias Fragm. 5089]

Parchment, 1 f., c. 8,5-13 × 20,5 cm; Italy, 1000-1025

Origenes, Homiliae in Evangelium Lucae, XX (ad cap. II), in Jerome’s latin translation: ”///t& me esse ... corpore uisus fue///” (with lacunae equivalent to PL 26 264C-265E)

The fragment belonged to Frederik Rostgaard (1671-1745) who in his will had bequeathed the manuscripts still in his possession to the University Library of Copenhagen. The entire manuscript collection of the University Library was transferred to the Royal Library in 1938

The shelf mark has been written on the verso page

Bibl.: Paul Lehmann, Skandinavische Reisefrüchte, Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen, 21, 1934, p. 172f. – E. A. Lowe, The Beneventan Script. A History of the South Italian Minuscule. Second Edition prepared and enlarged by Virginia Brown, vol. II, Hand List of Beneventan Mss., Roma 1980, p. 36 ("saec. XI in."). - Francis Newton, The Scriptorium and Library at Monte Cassino, 1058-1105, Cambridge 1999, p. 144 note 99 ("saec. XI in.")

Erik Petersen