Hans Christian Andersen: Christine's Picture Book





Hans Christian Andersen: Christine's Picture Book

This first online edition of Christine’s Picture Book has only been made possible by the great kindness displayed by Troels Andersen, director of the Silkeborg Kunstmuseum, who lent the original compilation to the Royal Library so that it could be scanned, and also gave permission for it to be published on the internet.

Thanks are also extended to Dr Erik Dal, who in addition to writing a new introduction gave permission to re-use the transcriptions from the Danish and English editions of the picture book of the handwritten additions, which in many cases are difficult to read.

Digitalization, in collaboration with Jørgen Byberg Hansen in the Royal Library’s Documentation and Digitalization Department, as well as the implementation and editing of the present edition, has been undertaken by Bruno Svindborg, research librarian in the Manuscript Department of the Royal Library.

The best result when ‘reading’ the picture book will be obtained by a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. With the image variant of 1:1 the reproduction obtained will approximately represent the book full size.

As mentioned in Erik Dal’s introduction, the scrapbook is in the Silkeborg Kunstmuseum. Here it is permanently on display, and here we may admire the original work in all its splendour – but we are not allowed to turn the pages! It is our hope that this online edition, made accessible almost 20 years after the publication of the facsimile editions, will attract many new readers.

Please notice that the missing page 114 in the original does not mean that the page is 'missing'. It's due to a mistake in the pagination.

Christine’s Picture Book is published by the Royal Library in Copenhagen as part of a lengthy series of publications and documents that will serve to illuminate Hans Christian Andersen’s life and work on the occasion of his 200-year jubilee in 2005. This work, which is being coordinated with corresponding initiatives being taken by the Hans Christian Andersen House in Odense and the H.C.Andersen Centre at Odense University, has only been made possible by financial support from the HCA2005 Foundation.

See also Hans Christian Ørsted's Picture Book and Hans Christian Andersen's Paper Cuts in The Royal Library

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