Zayn al-Dīn [ibn] 'Alī ibn Ahmad al-Šāmī al-'Āmilī [al-Šahīd al-tānī] (d. 966 H [1559 ]: al-Rawdah al-bahīyhah fī šarh al-Lum'ah al-dimašqīyah, vol. 1





Zayn al-Dīn [ibn] 'Alī ibn Ahmad al-Šāmī al-'Āmilī [al-Šahīd al-tānī] (d. 966 H [1559 ]: al-Rawdah al-bahīyhah fī šarh al-Lum'ah al-dimašqīyah, vol. 1

Šī'ī law.

Only the first volumes is shown because of the page set-up and calligraphy.

Descripted in Irmeli Perho: Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts. Codices Arabici Arthur Christenseniani. Copenhagen 2003, pp. 126-129.

Cod. Arab. AC 21